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Follow my weight loss journey with me! Using a combination of the herbal diet pill, Dieter's Delite and a daily workout regimen, I am on a journey to rediscover the me that was years ago. Get inspired and join me! Post your results or comments and join in the journey to find a healthier you! :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

62 Pounds to Go

Good afternoon! I am pleased to announce that I have officially lost twelve pounds in two weeks! Twelve pounds and one pants size is not bad at all. I'm thrilled that the weight is coming off so easily. I've tried so many other options for weight loss and have failed at all of them. But with the dieter's delite, it's so easy! Aside from a few minor lifestyle changes such as cutting soda from my diet and exercising for about thirty minutes a day, I haven't done anything different. My energy level is still amazing. I feel like I'm twenty again! I haven't felt this good in years. As of this moment, I strongly encourage you to try the dieter's delite. I've seen amazing results in just two weeks and will keep taking it. Peace. :)

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