Welcome to the page!

Follow my weight loss journey with me! Using a combination of the herbal diet pill, Dieter's Delite and a daily workout regimen, I am on a journey to rediscover the me that was years ago. Get inspired and join me! Post your results or comments and join in the journey to find a healthier you! :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

62 Pounds to Go

Good afternoon! I am pleased to announce that I have officially lost twelve pounds in two weeks! Twelve pounds and one pants size is not bad at all. I'm thrilled that the weight is coming off so easily. I've tried so many other options for weight loss and have failed at all of them. But with the dieter's delite, it's so easy! Aside from a few minor lifestyle changes such as cutting soda from my diet and exercising for about thirty minutes a day, I haven't done anything different. My energy level is still amazing. I feel like I'm twenty again! I haven't felt this good in years. As of this moment, I strongly encourage you to try the dieter's delite. I've seen amazing results in just two weeks and will keep taking it. Peace. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1 Pants Size Down

Good evening all! I apologize that it's taken me so long to get back on here and post results. I've been so busy with holiday bustle! :) Anyway, no weight loss today. As a matter of fact, I gained a pound. HOWEVER, I am not discouraged. I have been working out religiously (the pills give me so much energy I feel great) and have officially gone down one pants size. I have gone from a 14 to a size 12! Yay! I assume the pound gained could be water weight or muscle considering I've been doing a good amount of strength training exercises.
I am in my second week of taking Dieter's Delite and I feel amazing. I feel better than I have in years. Getting up and going is no longer a struggle for me. I feel happy and energetic. I have increased focus and concentration ability. The longer I take the pills, the better I feel. In two weeks I will post a new pic of myself for all to see new results. I want them to be visible, so I want to wait just a bit before doing so.
Peace. :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just Checking In

Hi guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did. We cooked a big dinner and had some family over. We shared some laughs, dances, and memories. It's always nice to spend time with your family. As far as an update goes, I will post one in the morning. I wanted to check in with everyone to let you know I have not stopped writing, I've just been super busy! But tomorrow it's back to business and I'll post about my weight. Right now, however, I'm gonna go LOTR myself up before bed. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Peace.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

69 pounds to go!


I can't believe how quickly the weight is falling off! As of today I have gone from 214 pounds to 209 pounds. That's five pounds in six days! I must admit; I'm blown away! Yesterday I had so much energy I even scrubbed my cabinet doors when I couldn't find anything else to do. It's not a nervous, jittery energy. It's a natural, get up and move energy.
So here's how I've been doing it so far. I take one dieter's delite about an hour after breakfast. I take another one about two or three in the afternoon. I gave up soda's completely but have not changed my eating habits. I'm really impressed as to how easily the weight is falling off. Only 69 pounds to go! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

71 Pounds to Go!

Good morning all! It's a spectacular day. I woke up to find I have lost yet another pound. This is so exciting! That's three pounds in five days! Yesterday I was finally fever free and I can't tell you how amazing I felt. I had more energy than I've had in ages. Also, I've noticed my focus and concentration is improving. I am able to write in my book without struggling to find the words. I'm stoked! 
Okay guys. Turkey day is in just a few days. Everyone knows that weight is a huge issue during the holidays. It's a scary time to be struggling with weight. However, after yesterday, I know that my appetite is suppressed enough to eat moderately. Note to self:  stay away from the sweets! ;)

Monday, November 21, 2011

72 lbs to go!

The pictures you see here are me at my heaviest weight. I feel that if this blog is going to be honest that I needed to let you see how big I am now. As I lose weight, I will post more pics of the newer body. As embarrassing as it is though, these pictures are me at 214 lbs.

This past Friday I started taking a diet pill called Dieter’s Delite. The weight I started out with when beginning the regimen was 214 lbs. Today is day four and I’m already down to 212 lbs. That’s two pounds in four days!

To begin with, I did not receive the energy benefits from taking this pill. The reason is because I was sick and running fever. I doubt anyone would have much energy while that sick, even with help. Today, however, I took the pill a little over an hour ago and I feel like I could run a marathon. After I write in this, I am going to utilize that energy and get some heavy cleaning done.

In the past five days I’ve had two sodas. I only drank those to help with a headache and to swallow some Tylenol for my fever. I have not had a soda or tea since Saturday.

The decrease in appetite may have started affecting me, I just haven’t felt it yet. I hardly get hungry as it is, but it seems that I still eat the same amount of food that I always have. Again, this could be because my body was not receiving the pill benefits correctly due to being sick.

In order to speed up the weight loss, I plan on working out on a daily basis. Whether it’s the treadmill or the wii fit, a workout will fit into my schedule each and every day.

As stated earlier, my current weight is 212 lbs. My current goal is to reach 199 lbs. I want to be out of the two hundreds. After the goal of 199 is met, I want to go down to 175 lbs. then to 160 lbs, then finally to 140 lbs. In total, starting from Friday, I have to lose 74 lbs.

72 more lbs to go!!!!!!!!