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Follow my weight loss journey with me! Using a combination of the herbal diet pill, Dieter's Delite and a daily workout regimen, I am on a journey to rediscover the me that was years ago. Get inspired and join me! Post your results or comments and join in the journey to find a healthier you! :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1 Pants Size Down

Good evening all! I apologize that it's taken me so long to get back on here and post results. I've been so busy with holiday bustle! :) Anyway, no weight loss today. As a matter of fact, I gained a pound. HOWEVER, I am not discouraged. I have been working out religiously (the pills give me so much energy I feel great) and have officially gone down one pants size. I have gone from a 14 to a size 12! Yay! I assume the pound gained could be water weight or muscle considering I've been doing a good amount of strength training exercises.
I am in my second week of taking Dieter's Delite and I feel amazing. I feel better than I have in years. Getting up and going is no longer a struggle for me. I feel happy and energetic. I have increased focus and concentration ability. The longer I take the pills, the better I feel. In two weeks I will post a new pic of myself for all to see new results. I want them to be visible, so I want to wait just a bit before doing so.
Peace. :)

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