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Follow my weight loss journey with me! Using a combination of the herbal diet pill, Dieter's Delite and a daily workout regimen, I am on a journey to rediscover the me that was years ago. Get inspired and join me! Post your results or comments and join in the journey to find a healthier you! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

71 Pounds to Go!

Good morning all! It's a spectacular day. I woke up to find I have lost yet another pound. This is so exciting! That's three pounds in five days! Yesterday I was finally fever free and I can't tell you how amazing I felt. I had more energy than I've had in ages. Also, I've noticed my focus and concentration is improving. I am able to write in my book without struggling to find the words. I'm stoked! 
Okay guys. Turkey day is in just a few days. Everyone knows that weight is a huge issue during the holidays. It's a scary time to be struggling with weight. However, after yesterday, I know that my appetite is suppressed enough to eat moderately. Note to self:  stay away from the sweets! ;)

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