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Follow my weight loss journey with me! Using a combination of the herbal diet pill, Dieter's Delite and a daily workout regimen, I am on a journey to rediscover the me that was years ago. Get inspired and join me! Post your results or comments and join in the journey to find a healthier you! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

72 lbs to go!

The pictures you see here are me at my heaviest weight. I feel that if this blog is going to be honest that I needed to let you see how big I am now. As I lose weight, I will post more pics of the newer body. As embarrassing as it is though, these pictures are me at 214 lbs.

This past Friday I started taking a diet pill called Dieter’s Delite. The weight I started out with when beginning the regimen was 214 lbs. Today is day four and I’m already down to 212 lbs. That’s two pounds in four days!

To begin with, I did not receive the energy benefits from taking this pill. The reason is because I was sick and running fever. I doubt anyone would have much energy while that sick, even with help. Today, however, I took the pill a little over an hour ago and I feel like I could run a marathon. After I write in this, I am going to utilize that energy and get some heavy cleaning done.

In the past five days I’ve had two sodas. I only drank those to help with a headache and to swallow some Tylenol for my fever. I have not had a soda or tea since Saturday.

The decrease in appetite may have started affecting me, I just haven’t felt it yet. I hardly get hungry as it is, but it seems that I still eat the same amount of food that I always have. Again, this could be because my body was not receiving the pill benefits correctly due to being sick.

In order to speed up the weight loss, I plan on working out on a daily basis. Whether it’s the treadmill or the wii fit, a workout will fit into my schedule each and every day.

As stated earlier, my current weight is 212 lbs. My current goal is to reach 199 lbs. I want to be out of the two hundreds. After the goal of 199 is met, I want to go down to 175 lbs. then to 160 lbs, then finally to 140 lbs. In total, starting from Friday, I have to lose 74 lbs.

72 more lbs to go!!!!!!!!

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